Friday, May 28, 2010

Star Wars Invasion

This is a picture of Beck after we got home from Target on the day he got to pick out a toy for being done with his Potty Chart. He was so happy and so sure this is what he wanted as we walked up and down the isles.
Little did he know an alternate alien race was about to invade. You would think being a Star Fighter Jet from Star Wars, you would plan for such an attack. However, I don't think anything could have been prepared for what happened next...Duh, DUH, DUUUHNNN!

Attack of the Kendall and her Polly Pocket posse. While you nap they will take over your Star Fighter Jet garage and turn it into a master wardrobe closet.
Careful, they take no prisoners.
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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Speed Racer

Thanks Aunt Kimmy for getting new brakes on your car so we could enjoy the Long Beach Grand Pri!

Kim got the tickets and Scott and Beck took advantage. Having a boy obsessed with cars, speed and turning everything into a race (he has to be the one to flush the toilet so he can watch his poop race down the bowl), how could you not? Maybe I should mention I am talking about Beck here. And of course, Scott was happy to oblige.

The first day Scott and Beck took their good buddies Dave and Adam.


There were lots of cars, Beck had to stand by the green one, his favorite color. Everything has to be greet these days.

Here Beck is not striking a pose, instead he insisted he be touching the tire for the picture. Nice.
The next day our family went. The girls enjoyed it just as much.


This was too cool.

Even with all the real racing going on outside, the kids seemed to really like these remote control cars racing inside the convention center.
As a parent, you know they've had a good time when they are dead-dog tired.